Bee The Change Pop Up Shop

Bee the change is a company focused on saving native pollinator and honey bee decline. We look at spaces where turf grass is planted and ask, "Why?". Primarily we are working in solar fields to create critical habitat by planting a variety of pollinator friendly plants. I am the design and innovation director and run our social media presence as well. More information about Bee the Change can be found here: 

A part of my job for Bee the Change is organizing events. Being a start up we were only available online at first. As the summer went on and we developed more products and gained inventory we decided to do a pop up shop. 

IPJ real estate in downtown Middlebury, Vermont kindly offered their space to us in their after hours. We popped up in the evening during the Festival on the Green, a evening live music show that brings a lot of foot traffic to the downtown. It was a treat to get face to face interaction with customers to share our story, while also getting feedback.  While handling product development at this time too, it was a great experience to get feedback on our lip balms, luminaries and other products we make other than honey. Thanks to Lexa deCourval for the photos.